Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Today I attended a networking meeting.

Some people don't like networking. Their experience is that it is boring or a waste of time. Why get together and talk when we don't achieve anything? While this is a valid experience for those people I think they have missed out on the power of effective networking.

Effective business people will tell you that networking is vital to good performance. If you effectively network with those inside your organisation information sharing is enhanced. When tasks need collaboration and specialist input you already have healthy relationships upon which to work.

Networking effectively with those outside your organisation is just as important. For those of us in the community sector we need to partner with those around us. None of us have all the answers. None of us have all the services or resources that our 'clients' need. Effective networking, if nothing else, lets us know who to refer people on to.

I have been involved with a couple of effective church based networks. One was a youth pastors network. We met together monthly and discussed what we were doing and also planned joint events. The group was able to approach the local council and work in partnership with them on a number of projects.

Networks break down when we fail to communicate effectively. Without communication we begin to focus on our own agendas to the detriment of working together. If we communicate and say "hey this is what we are wanting to do" it gives others the opportunity to join us or at least understand where we are coming from. Failing to communicate leaves others guessing at our motives and suspicious of our activities.

Got any thoughts on networking? Been involved in any good, or bad, networks?

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